To Return To The State Of “Adam”

929Comment: Due to the fact that I have internal and external Kelim (vessels), I feel the world divided into an external part (people, society) and desires within me. Naturally, I am always ready to fill my desires, and I use those that seem external to me, for my own sake.

My Response: Such a picture of the world is manifested due to the shattering. When the common desire was shattered, it revealed all sorts of divisions in us into yours and mine.

At first a person felt everything only within himself. Such was Adam HaRishon who felt that it was all his. Then there was a shattering, and proceeding from the fact that everything was divided into mine and not mine, the external, egoism, and the desire to receive, appeared.

Thus, what is outside me, I see as something alien. Therefore I cannot understand why I should do something for the sake of others. And if I can somehow contact them, it is only in order to use them.

But by changing my attitude to external desires (Kelim), I, as it were, acquire the opportunity to return again to the state of Adam. Then I can feel the whole world as somewhat mine, and myself as the whole world. I will no longer feel the division into mine and yours, myself and strangers. I will feel an absolute connection with the entire universe.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 7/23/21

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