Making The House Vacant

631.4And if they make the house vacant, there will be room for idols. Do not fear the blaze of the swirling sword on the way of the tree of life. (Baal HaSulam, Letter 12)

Question: Does making the house vacant symbolize our freedom from thoughts in which there is no Creator?

Answer: Being free of thoughts in which there is no Creator means leaving the place clean for basic reasons and for other different reasons. If you believe that there is a force that operates in the world other than the Creator, it means that these reasons seemingly fill the whole Temple.

The Temple is the soul. It is the place that the Creator needs to fill with the attribute of love, bestowal, and faith above reason, which means that we have to vacate our egoism from this place.

Question: Does our unity take place on the level of faith above reason?

Answer: We cannot unite any other way, but only in faith above reason. Faith above reason refers to the fact that we have to ascend above our egoism to the attribute of bestowal, and only there can we unite.

Question: And does the descent take place when I descend to a thought in which there is no Creator?

Answer: Not only when I descend to a thought in which there is no Creator, but that there are also other forces that rule you and influence you.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/12/19

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