How Should I Relate To People’s Criticism Of Me?

514.02Question: How should I relate to people’s criticism of me?

Answer: I don’t respond to criticism of me in particular, unless it is to the point and I see that I should take advantage of this criticism in order to change my methods of instruction a little, my expression, or to pay more attention to some aspect, etc. I welcome any criticism that can help me practically in the dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

I disregard anything else that is said about me, and I don’t even read what people write about me. I have heard that many unpleasant things have been written in the press, but I am not offended by any of them in any way. This is humanity’s nature before it is corrected.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 12/23/18

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