It Is Impossible To Get To Spirituality Without A Guide

749.04Without faith in the sages, it is impossible to reach faith above reason and connect with the Creator. After all, there is no direct connection between our egoistic desire and the desire to bestow.

Since we are inside egoism, we are not able to jump into the desire to bestow, and we do not even understand what it is or how to approach it. Therefore, we need a guide who can take us from the sensation of this world to sensing the upper world.

We are in this world, that is, in the desire to receive, and we feel the world only through it. Egoism determines all our qualities, controls our heart and mind. At the same time, we want to feel reality in the desire to bestow.

However, we do not know what the desire to bestow is and how to develop it in order to feel another reality, as it is said: “I shall see an opposite world.” We need to undergo a special transition, which can take a long time and include many intermediate states between this world and the next one, the dominion of the desire to receive and the desire to bestow.

Such a transition cannot happen at once but according to what has been said: “Only goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

Therefore, we need a sage who lives in both worlds at once and can teach us how to make such a transition. Not everyone who is in attainment of the spiritual world is able to be such a guide. This requires consistency in feelings and understanding, in understanding both worlds, and knowledge of how to make the transition from one world to the other step by step.

The property of this conductor is called Moses. On one hand, he is in the qualities of the Creator, and on the other hand, as a “loyal shepherd,” he can take on this mission to guide people, disciples, from this world to the spiritual world and fulfill the Creator’s instructions.

Faith in the sages, meaning the teacher on the spiritual path, is the same as believing in the path itself, believing in the Creator and in all the actions we perform. Success depends on how much I adhere to the teacher and follow him. As if on a serious hike when you go through an unknown area fraught with danger, on untrodden paths, you need to have suitable clothes and shoes, a proper staff in your hand, follow the one who is going in front of you, and follow the trail of the one in front of you. Then you can move forward with confidence.

This is the first rule that a beginner must learn when entering the spiritual path, an untrodden road, unknown and perplexing to him. Therefore, the first to walk is a person who has a lot of experience and has already walked this path himself. But those who follow him do not know the way.

It is customary to do so in a corporeal hike and even more so in a spiritual one because there we do not know at all what we should do in order to make a single right step forward. Moreover, egoism always confuses us and leads us astray. Therefore, we need to have as many clear indicators as possible to help us move forward without stumbling and falling.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/14/21, “Faith In The Sages as The Means for Faith Above Reason”

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