Development Of The Method Of Correction

958Baal HaSulam, “The Prophecy of Baal HaSulam“: Take this sword in your hand and guard it with your heart and soul, for it is a token between Me and you, that all those good things will happen through you, for until now, I had no such faithful man as you to give him this sword.  … And I said to myself: “May I grant all the dwellers of the world a drop of the purity of this sword, for then they will know that the pleasantness of the Lord is in the land.”

The Creator says that through Baal HaSulam He gives the world a method of correction that has never been passed on to anyone before.

My teacher was the eldest son of Baal HaSulam, and he took over the method of correction from him and passed it on to me. It is truly the most suitable for those souls who are now descending into our world. With its help, we can correct ourselves, correct the world, and achieve the goal of creation.

“I have chosen you for a righteous sage in all this generation, to heal the human suffering with lasting salvation. Take this sword in your hand, and guard it with thy heart and soul, for it is a sign between Me and you, that all those good things will happen through you, for until now, I had no such faithful man as you, to give him this sword.” 

Therefore, when the Creator says in essence, “You are a special person, and it is to you that I entrust this sword, this technique, the key of salvation,” they are not empty words.

Comment: It is known that the Creator told Moses the same thing upon his exit from Egypt.

My Response: At that time, it was necessary. But the Torah that Moses established is not enough for our generation because souls have gone through a lot of egoistic changes since then, and in our generation, they need a new approach.

Not even a new approach but a development of the previous technique to make a real method of correction out of it. This is what Baal HaSulam added.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #5

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