Make A Decision Regarding Our Readiness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do we move into high gear before the convention in Europe?

Answer: We simply need to make a decision. The two weeks of one big convention in which we want to come out of Egypt and to receive the Torah at the gathering at Mount Sinai have started.

If we want to do that, we have to see ourselves as one family, as one man in one heart. It is a precondition, and if we yearn for it, we will receive the “Torah” from Above, the Light that Reforms.

It doesn’t mean that we are already corrected but that we begin the correction then. So this isn’t some great leap upwards, but only the first step along the way. I am not exaggerating the importance of our convention and am not speaking about something unrealistic. I am very serious, with a small effort based on our understanding of what we are headed towards, we will receive the “Torah,” which means the mechanism, the tool, by which we will be able to summon the Light that Reforms time after time.

It is like a regulator, a tap, which you open and get powers. The more you open it, the more powers you receive. So how can we open it? By connecting. The more we tighten our lines, the stronger will be the flow of the Light. We learn how to come together, to connect to one another, and what it’s like to unite, and each time, the upper Light influences us in different ways. Gradually, we begin to feel how the upper Light fills us, we accept its importance, its greatness, and the process already takes on a different form…

The main thing is to pass the current point of the shattering. In it we discover our readiness for connection, and in response to that we receive the Light. It is because the Light is only meant for connection. So the only thing we have to do is to unite into one mechanism, into a vessel for the Lights of NRNHY.

Question: What does it mean to “make a decision?”

Answer: We don’t think about anything else; we simply don’t think about anything else, think only about connection.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/13, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

Related Material:
The European Convention: Close Your Eyes And Do
On The Threshold Of The Spiritual World
On Foot To The Convention In Germany


One Comment

  1. There is nothing else but the connection…billions of connections that need to re-connect for the good of humanity for the good of one and all…

    J&T. Shalom Aleichem

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