The Relationship Between The Language Of Kabbalah And The Language Of Integral Education

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Our students teach Kabbalah, participate in focus groups, and are engaged in integral education. Don’t these contradict one another?

Answer: They teach the same thing but in different languages. If I am talking about the spiritual world, mentioning Tzimtzum (restriction), Masach (screen), Zivug de-Haka’a (coupling while striking), that is, all kinds of spiritual actions, I am talking about how I, who is a Partzuf, desire, contract this desire, put the screen on my egoism, and starting from this point and up, work with others. This is called the “property of bestowal.” At first, when I rise just above my ego, it is called the Light of Hassadim (Mercy), and when I start working with it for bestowal, it is called the Light of Hochma (Wisdom).

And there is no difference here. Only now am I beginning to understand how people still need to adapt to the relationship between the language of Kabbalah and the language of integral education that we now introduce.

The essence is the same. It’s just that the language is a little bit different because the integral method speaks about our human level where we use other words. And when we talk about the spiritual degrees, we are talking about the same properties, the same forces, the same actions, only in units of measurement because we can measure them in the spiritual world.

In our world, I cannot measure how much I am repulsed by you or attracted to you, how much we are connected, and how we sense the distance between us relative to yesterday, today, tomorrow, and so on. We cannot measure this, and in the spiritual world, it is all measurable.

That is why the language of Kabbalah is a scientific, precise language, but it just does not work in our present state because we cannot measure anything in our world with the precise tools that exist in the spiritual world. In our world, everything can be measured only by our earthly senses and lexicon.
From Fundamentals of Kabbalah Lesson 7/15/12

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