Sculpt A Human Out Of Yourself

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: We are talking about loving the neighbor as yourself. But how is it possible to see the friends as being above you when you are sure and you clearly see that you are better than them?

Answer: Every person is sure that he is better than others. Even if he does not realize it, this is so in any case. There’s no doubt that every person considers himself better than others, thinking that he understands more and is more corrected.

This is how the force of the breaking is revealed between us, forcing every person to consider himself higher than others. A person forgets that he is in the hands of the Creator as formless, inanimate material, like a piece of clay, and that everything in him, in his desires and thoughts, comes to him from the Creator.

The only thing that can be expressed in this material as its personal action is the aspiration to connect with the “neighbor.” In that case, this formless mass takes on the “Human” form—a form that is similar to the Creator.

Only that kind of aspiration to be similar to the Creator can exist inside of the “clay” as its own aspiration. When does it become personal, on what condition? On the condition that this “clump of clay” acts in order to unite with all the other “clumps” into a special form, called “Human”—into the form of mutual bestowal, where all of them, wishing to sculpt a Human out of themselves, take on its form—a certain part of the common sculpture.

And besides this, everything that awakens in them and between them was given to them from above, according to the conditions and problems that they have to resolve. Therefore, everything that happens in the present and that will happen in the future is given from above. And only one small influence is possible on the part of the material—gradually, by uniting with others like it, to take on the form of the Creator, to become “Human.”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/20/11, The Zohar

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