Receiving The Light To Enlighten Myself

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do I avoid misleading myself into thinking that I’m advancing, but also assess my advancement accurately?

Answer: You cannot assess your advancement properly since you don’t have any means of measuring it. Until you’ve reached the spiritual world, you are unable to fathom what is in your possession, just as a child cannot differentiate between playing with toys and reality.

Similarly, an adult who works in a big company, a science lab, or a vast social system, who considers himself big, important, and involved in serious work doesn’t sense that he lives on a tiny planet near the border of a small galaxy, lost in the universe. Everyone feels his place in accordance with his degree.

But how do we receive a portion of the Light so that we can measure ourselves against it at our degree? It doesn’t have to be a complete assessment relative to our final, fully corrected state (this cannot be done until the end of correction), but we will gradually move toward it along the “right” and “left” lines. And we will use the “right” and “left” impressions to correctly balance ourselves along the “middle line.”
From the 1st part of the DailyKabbalah Lesson 4/28/2011, Writings of Rabash

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  1. Thank you! I always want to make sure I am not misleading myself into thinking I am giving when I am not. And having something to measure it by helps a lot. I like asking myself if I am REALLY doing it or not. It brings the truth out about our true intentions. Not easy to look at ourselves that way. But I like it, makes things clearer and is sort of fun.

  2. Could deciding NOT to participate in gossip with others “lashon hara” because we wouldn’t want someone to do that to ourself or if we were in the shoes of the person being talked about we wouldn’t want others talking about us. Could we say this is comparing our intentions to the “right” line. And would participating in the gossip in order to put others down to feel good about ourselves or to talk at another’s expense, be comparable to the “left” line?

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