Like An Apple Stem

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”: The Israeli nation had been constructed as a sort of gateway by which the sparks of purity would shine upon the whole of the human race the world over.

People who receive a craving or impulse directed straight to the Creator are scarce. It is said in the Torah: “You were the fewest of all people.” It will remain like this. These people receive the awakening from Above and aspire straight to the Creator (Yashar-El in Hebrew), while the majority do not get a “wake-up call,” but just more life problems.

Those who are called “Israel” according to the direction of their yearning, correct and prepare themselves because they have received from Above both the awakening and the method that covers all stages of the path. And therefore, they prepare themselves to help with the correction of other people who get no awakening, no methodology, no teacher—nothing.

Humanity needs a kind of a representative, a contact, like a stem that connects the fruit to the tree, an adapter, a transition link, a connector, connecting people to the Source. It has part of the Source and part of the world. This part is called “Israel.”

People who belong to Israel should feel themselves as the representatives of the Creator and work accordingly. However, in addition, due to the breaking, they include the properties of the nations of the world and according to this should maintain their connection with the rest of humanity.

The order is as follows: At the beginning, the part of humanity formed by Abraham and called “Israel” experiences the spiritual ascent and establishes the connection with the Creator (1); this happened during the First and the Second Temples. Then, this part descends “into people” (2).

Then, the mixing takes place (3), during which part of Israel stands out from the nation. It corrects itself (4) and rises back, but it already has the connection with the nation. Then, Israel can address the nations of the world (5), correct them, and they reach the Creator together (6).

Like an Apple Stalk
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/24/2011, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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