Tied By The Single Network

Dr. Michael LaitmanPreviously, we used to teach ourselves and our children how to live in the old world based on all the experience we have accumulated over the course of our entire history. But today, all this experience is worth nothing. Day to day, month to month, we will be seeing more proof to that and will find ourselves in a completely foreign world.

We won’t understand what is suddenly happening with this world, one day in one place, next day in another. After all, now the world is unfolding for us as a coherent, analog system instead of a discrete, binary one. It is no longer comprised of isolated parts, each of which has certain freedom of action.

The property of an analog system is a total interconnection, from the initial point to the final one, in all its states. It is similar to a living organism, where nothing can be replaced without interfering with and changing the functioning of the other parts. If we, being in such a delicate, subordinate state, can’t feel what system we ended up in, we are doomed. Therefore, every person has to study the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Previously, we used to teach our children how to live in this egoistic world. But it won’t help them today. We must give children and adults alike, everyone who is going to continue living on this earth, the knowledge about the world that has suddenly dropped on our head.

In the past, the system of the upper governance was descending on us so that it would give each of us a certain degree of freedom. Today, however, the system of forces that is coming down on us puts everyone in his or her place, leaving no freedom to the latter. If a person is moving, he or she is impacting the whole system.

Everyone who starts to deflect disturbs the entire system and that is why it acts so unpredictably today. This is precisely what is going to be revealed to us more and more in the most horrific form.

A few days ago, I had a meeting with the General Secretary of UNESCO who understood it very quickly and asked: “So, in your opinion, education has to be global as well, doesn’t it?” meaning it has to involve the entire system. The solution to the problem lies namely in this: We must educate children and adults alike how to live in the new world where we have suddenly found ourselves.

People neither understand it nor feel it so far; they accept it with difficulty. Although the consequences are clearly evident to all, man doesn’t see what he doesn’t wish to. In the end, pain will force him to open his eyes. But we need to spread this knowledge before the blows come, in order to reduce suffering to a minimum.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/4/2011, “The Study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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