Maturing To The Title Of “Human”

Dr. Michael LaitmanIf we start advancing the right way and become integrally connected with one another and with all parts of the universe, then we will start understanding the world on a new level. We will ascend above this tiny world that we now perceive in our ego, where each person perceives individually, and we will begin revealing a new world—one that is eternal and perfect. We will feel it on a level called “Human,” instead of perceiving the world only on the animate level through our bodies.

I will begin perceiving myself on the level of the integral existence, connected with everyone by a single consciousness, one thought, common thinking, one desire and sensation. Then I will perceive everything happening to my animate body as a level beneath myself and my new consciousness.

Now, while existing on the level of the animate body, I do not feel pain from things taking place on the still or animate levels, such as when cutting my hair and nails. Likewise, when I ascend to the human level and enter the common, global level of thought, desire, and awareness, I won’t feel how this animate body lives or dies because I will perceive myself in a higher dimension.

We are now at the transition between these two levels and it is not simple at all. Yet, the more we begin to gain awareness of it, focusing our vision on the true world in which we already exist, the easier it will be for us to perform this transition from our present state to a higher, global, integral level in order to make it quick and simple.

Then we won’t have to go through problems, blows, suffering, cataclysms, and revolutions that have already begun happening, but will advance by a gentle, wonderful path ahead of time, before the cataclysm takes place. We will do it by making corrections in human society.

We can gain all of this by studying the science of Kabbalah, which is intended to help us rise from this egoistic, individualistic world into the integral world. Let us hope that we will be able to do this. This is essentially the purpose of the science of Kabbalah.
From my lecture in Paris on 2/1/11

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