The Dawn Of A New World

Dr. Michael LaitmanMankind hasn’t sufficiently realized what it is supposed to discover or reveal. We are confused and don’t understand what action is correct to make. However, the wisdom of Kabbalah is not aimed at making our life comfortable in this corporeal world. On the contrary, it informs us that we have to start ascending from this world to the upper world, which is gradually being revealed to us.

There, life is completely different: It isn’t within us but between us. In the space between the elementary particles of the universe, we begin experiencing totally new phenomena and feel differently: that we are integral beings that are globally connected and living together in one unified system. Instead of feeling only myself, I will start feeling this system as one whole. Then we will lose the sensation of our individual selves. One’s “self” will become a collective, the entire world.

Kabbalah explains that this transition must take place in our time. That is why we are seeing a global crisis in everything that was created over thousands of years of our evolution. We have to become aware that we can’t exist in the previous paradigm anymore and that the time has come to step out into a different attitude toward oneself and the world. We must start exploring the “void” between us, which is filled with enormous forces that do, in fact, govern us all.

As a result, we will learn who we are and what we are here for, and will be able to achieve a completely different kind of life. On one hand, we are being pushed to this by pain, while on the other, we are being pulled by some internal force, a call. Every person has this “point in the heart,” a starting point of the new world that is being revealed in the void.

The entire wisdom of Kabbalah is structured in order to reveal this new world or additional dimension to us, where we don’t exist yet, and to tell us about the means that will help us develop an ability to feel and study it, as well as to interact with it.
From the lesson in Moscow on 1/16/11, Writings of Rabash

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