The Zohar Is Revealed In The Connection Among Us

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Zohar, Chapter “VaYetze (And Jacob Went Out),” Item 252: But Jethro was not so toward Moses, since Laban was a sorcerer, and he did all his deeds against Jacob with witchcraft. And because now Jacob did not wish to be detained there, since the Creator told him, “Return unto the land of your fathers,” he did not wish to be detained and forsake the commandment of his Master. This is why he did not ask his permission.

There are two kinds of forces. On one hand, there are the forces that prevent us from uniting, called “help against,” which appear to oppose our unification. On the other hand, there are the forces that promote unification. We need them both. We have to recognize the seemingly negative forces, all these “wicked” within us (Laban, Esau, and others) as well as the seemingly positive forces (Jacob, Isaac, and others) against them.

All of these forces work either “for” or “against” our unification. And it is up to us to decide who will win and how. It is then that we discover that all must be as it is described in the Torah, and thus reveal its whole narrative. Where? It’s revealed in the connection among us, as we work with the forces of disunity and those of connection.

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/1/10, The Zohar

Related Material: Post: What Hides Behind Each Word Of The Zohar?
Shamati #50: “Two Situations”- Lesson
ARIfilms: “Unlocking The Zohar”

One Comment

  1. Dear Rav,
    What is this ‘connection among us’ that you speak of; what is its nature, and what can we engage in and do now that we are preparing for the Mega Congress to at least put us in that place (connection/Unity) at the congress if not sooner?

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