Mega Congress 2010: A Window Into Spirituality

Question: How can I prepare myself for the Mega Kabbalah Congress taking place this weekend (July 23-25) so that I come to it as if to the King’s feast?

Answer: By gathering together at the Congress, we can make an effort to experience spiritual life at least for a short time. Spiritual life is unity in building a spiritual vessel. It is the connection between us in which we experience the spiritual world. It is the oneness of opposing parts. These parts resist and disagree with each other, but above that we attain unity because we desire and aspire to it.

This desire draws Light. And even if we are not prepared to keep it forever, at least for a short period of time, we can hold the sensation of spirituality. It is okay if we descend later. It may or may not happen. We might not fall but instead could ascend higher, beginning at this first spiritual degree.

I think we can do it. We have all the necessary tools: knowledge, materials, preparation, the external system, and the connection between us. Everything is ready. Now we must use it! It all depends solely on us. We will be able to experience spirituality if we strongly desire to unite with each other and find spiritual life in this connection, in bestowal, above our individual egoism.

Most importantly, we must feel spirituality and not receive pleasure from it. If we do, we will definitely fall. However, if we feel it and continue to use it solely in order to bestow to each other, guarding ourselves against using it egoistically, then the Light will be revealed to us.

From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/18/10,  “Introduction to the Book, Panim Meirot uMasbirot

Related Material: Post: How To Prepare For The Congress
Kabbalah Moments: "Mega Congress"
ARIfilms: “Are You Ready To Start Your New Game? MEGACONGRESS 2010 ”

One Comment

  1. If you’re willing, please clarify the following statement:

    “Most importantly, we must feel spirituality and not receive pleasure from it.”

    How can I prevent myself from feeling the pleasure of spirituality?

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