And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning – A Day At The Mega Congress

Mega CongressQuestion: During the Congress, how can we keep from forgetting that the Light influences us if we work correctly, that darkness is an integral part of the work, and the group is what holds us up during a period of darkness?

Answer: Before such a big Congress as we are to experience in a few days, as well as during and after it, a person goes through various states: ascents and descents. One should be happy that changes are occurring in him. And the more rapid and intense these changes are, the better it is.

Our only concern should be uniting with others instead of searching within ourselves and analyzing our feelings. We should constantly try to merge with the common field, and place ourselves under the influence of the group without any extra reasoning.

Set aside all the clever discernments for now. The Congress is not the time to sit alone in a corner and check what this or that state means. Otherwise there will be “more talk than action.” At a time like this, actions are of the greatest importance, as it is written, “We shall do and we shall hear!”

Everything at the Congress will depend on how much you include yourself in the group like a little child who is among adults. He doesn’t think with his head; he just wants to imitate them. As they laugh, I laugh. As they cry, I cry. As they listen, I listen. And I do this because I want to receive inspiration from them! Then it will not matter who is a beginner and who is knowledgeable and experienced; who is small and who is big. Just try to tune into the environment and you will feel how you receive the power of bestowal above your reason.

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/21/10, “And There Was Evening And There Was Morning”

Related Material: Post: Mega Congress 2010: A Window Into Spirituality Post: How To Become A Spiritual Embryo
ARIfilms: “Unity in Your Language”

One Comment

  1. Which children are you talking about? if you take the kids to an adult place you must always expect some disturbance..and the more the children more the disturbance.I have hardly seen children imitating adults or trying to be like them in a crowded place. it is quite the opposite indeed.They are right away bored and want to move here and there or want to go home or elsewhere or this and that..and if you keep the time long and material boring then they can become a real nuisance.

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