Entries in the 'altruism' Category

The Irrationality of Kabbalah

The Irrationality of KabbalahA question I received: Do you really think that the world will ever take Kabbalah seriously? It is absolutely irrational. Besides, claiming that Kabbalah is the one and only truth discredits it in the eyes of the scientific community and aggravates the masses.

My Answer: You know, the title of my PhD dissertation was “Kabbalah as a Form of Irrational Consciousness.” I had to write “irrational” in order to say “the system of total interconnection in the universe,” because a person living in today’s modern world doesn’t yet understand or feel this system.

Today, a person thinks that taking care of himself is reasonable and rational. Kabbalah, on the other hand, explains the universe as an integrated system, and as such, states that all problems must be solved based on a common coherent system of all the worlds, including our world.

Let’s say that today, in light of the planet’s threatening state, we could decide together (or place our trust in some sage) on what is beneficial for the complete system, even if we just decide with regard to our planet, without Kabbalah or the Creator. As a result of such unconscious attempts to connect with the system of Adam ha Rishon (the system of souls), we would begin to feel the Upper world – the altruistic links between us. This altruistic connection to one another is the quality of the Creator.

I believe that humanity will come to assess reality with such objectivity, that personal and national issues will take a back seat or disappear altogether from our field of consideration. This is because solutions will come by themselves when we deal with the system as a whole, when everything is measured from the standpoint of the WHOLE of humanity.

Kabbalah is the one and only truth, because no other science in the world today speaks about and examines the whole world as a single organism. Even today, we are not yet thinking like Abraham was thinking 4,500 years ago.

* Kabbalah as a Root of All Sciences
* Kabbalah as Compared with Other Sciences

Now Is the Time for Freedom!

Now Is the Time for Freedom!I have received many letters expressing concern about the future…

Our perception of the world depends on our understanding of what’s going on here. If we would understand the Creator’s plan, we will discover happiness, safety and perfection.

Prior to the 21st century, humanity didn’t have any free will! We had no free will in our development as it was automatically driven by our constantly growing egoistic motivation – until it had reached its peak.

Today, our free will is becoming apparent as we have the opportunity to rise above our egoistic nature and no longer depend on it. By realizing this opportunity properly, we will directly – with the least amount of suffering – exit our present nature. Then, we will enter another dimension of the universe, where we will experience a different sensation of life – one that is eternal and perfect.

Our egoistic nature imprisons us; it attempts to absorb everything into itself, and thus remains empty and ultimately dies. And even if we don’t choose the path of conscious transition to the altruistic dimension, nature’s plan will be carried out anyway – just as it has been up to this point – only by the harsh influence of its strict laws.

We are the only intelligent creatures in the universe. Everything was created for us, because only we have the ability to enter the higher dimension. This task is serious and its goal is marvelous. Currently, humanity is in a state that induces a search, which is good, and that is why I’m not afraid, but full of hope.

Hyperactive Children – the Result of Evolving Egoism

Hyperactive Children - the Result of Evolving EgoismIt’s obvious that there is something special about the children born today: they are especially egoistic, shrewd and intelligent. They want to know “why” they have to do something an adult tells them, and only then do they agree to it, i.e. if they agree at all (usually they don’t!) They’re a completely new generation, with no desire to “succeed” in life, i.e. in our understanding of the term. First they need to prove to themselves that life has meaning. Otherwise, isn’t it better to just escape into drugs, various pleasures, and their own virtual world, rather than put in all sorts of efforts? What’s the point anyway?

We can’t handle them. We can’t restrain their egoism, and we can’t answer their questions. For these reasons, adults use all the means at their disposal to try and tame the new generation – in particular, to tame their hyperactivity. Hyperactivity, however, only seems hyper to adults. It’s quite normal for the new generation.

Many children regularly have permanent damage inflicted upon them through the use of addictive medications, such as Ritalin. These medications cause up to 70 side effects, including suicidal impulses, psychoses and arrhythmia, which parents aren’t warned of beforehand. Such medications are registered as narcotic substances, and are therefore considered as being dangerous drugs. At any rate, the practice of teachers who force parents to prescribe their children with Ritalin, under the fear of their children being expelled from school, is unacceptable. (There is another opinion that Ritalin is not a drug, because it doesn’t cause “withdrawals,” meaning one does not become physically dependent on it.)

Parents themselves can no longer manage their children, and are ready for anything! For example, according to the New York Times, when New York State authorities decided to stop the use of electroshock therapy on problematic children, they were confronted by the parents who insisted that electroshock isn’t actually cruel, that it teaches children to behave.

Kabbalah tells us that we live in a unique transitional period of reevaluating our evolution. In Ancient Babylon, where our evolution began, we made a decision to evolve egoistically. This decision was in spite of Abraham’s advice, who called for humanity’s altruistic evolution. And so we started evolving egoistically, under the influence of egoistic forces. Today, we are discovering that we have come to a dead end. We realize that we have positioned ourselves against Nature (the Creator). Kabbalah, Abraham’s testament, is becoming revealed to the world as a method for a different kind of existence: one that is integral, filled with love, and in balance with Nature. Kabbalah tells us that suffering will force us to accept Abraham’s way of existence, but that we don’t need to suffer. We can change our civilization by recognizing the oncoming global crisis and putting the wisdom of Kabbalah to use.

Are we wise enough to make the right choice?

Why Kabbalah Disgusts Us

Why Kabbalah Disgusts UsKabbalah contradicts humans. This isn’t because it’s from a foreign nation or ancient civilization, and not because it’s mysterious or even antireligious… Kabbalah contradicts human nature, because human nature is egoistic. No single person will find anything more despicable than this method, which talks about the need to love others. Moreover, Kabbalah asserts that nobody can escape these changes within us either, because Nature (the Creator) makes our ongoing existence in egoism more painful with every passing minute. Even if it seems like we’ve managed to hide from the relentless law of development, which evolves us from egoism to altruism, Nature will still force us to achieve correction: either through suffering, or through our deliberate attraction of the force of correction. We feel this instinctively, which is why we resist it. And if someone doesn’t resist, it’s because he doesn’t yet know what he’s in for!

My Current Mood: Worried worried

Zionism’s Bankruptcy

Zionism’s BankruptcyNews Story: Leviev: Zionism is bankrupt because of ‘new American religion’

Businessman Lev Leviev, one of the world’s most notable diamond dealers who recently moved to London from Israel, declared that Zionism has gone bankrupt. In an interview with the newspaper Haaretz, Leviev stated that life in today’s Israel is losing its Jewish substance. Leviev, who also owns a chain of private schools in Israel and abroad, also came forward with his criticism of secular Israeli education.

My Response: This is all true. Zionism’s bankruptcy was predetermined long before it began, just like how all of humanity’s endeavors have been carried out without understanding history’s plan. The Jews were given the right to return to the land of Israel on condition (from Above) that they return to their spiritual root (the spiritual land of Israel), to the qualities of bestowal and love, like it was before the ruin of the Second Temple and the exile. As Baal HaSulam writes, in the article, “A Speech in Celebration of the Conclusion of The Zohar”: “The Creator gave us this land, but this only gives us the opportunity to receive it through purifying ourselves (from egoism).”

If the Jews don’t use this opportunity to ascend spiritually, but instead wish to simply exist in Israel, on “the holy land,” like all other nations, then “the land will reject you.” Moreover, there’s not much time left for us to either begin the correction or be expelled from here once again.

Unfortunately, many people don’t understand the Creator’s plan, thinking that a modern religious upbringing is sufficient, that it educates the Jewish nation and provides the knowledge necessary to fulfill its Creator-given mission.

Baal HaSulam writes, in the article, “The Revelation of Godliness (Matan Torah)”: “‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’ – Rabbi Akiva says: ‘it is a great rule in the Torah.’” This is what the main goal of education should be. Knowledge of the nation’s customs and culture should be secondary. The sages say: “Why should God mind whether one slaughters at the throat or at the neck?” After all, the commandments were given to cleanse people. “Cleansing” means cleansing our desires from egoism – this is the goal of performing commandments. Egoistic desires comprise a person’s whole life, and such desires are what make people opposite from the Creator, whose nature is absolute altruism. Moreover, it is decreed that we need to attain adhesion with the Creator, that is, complete equivalence with Him.

Kabbalah Teaches Us How to Be Free

Kabbalah Teaches Us How to Be FreeQuestion for ML: From our birth, we’re controlled by the genes embedded in us. So who are we? Where is our “I”? Please, can you write something about how genes (Reshimot) control us from the inside, and society from the outside, making us all ROBOTS! There is no free will – there’s no reward or punishment for our actions!

My Answer: Kabbalah reveals the desires and thoughts in which a person is free! Using this knowledge, we can change our destiny.

Anorexia as addictive as ecstasy

Everything is controlled by the desire for pleasure.

Scientists are suggesting that anorexia is addictive. Their studies show that the feeling of hunger stimulates similar bodily responses as does the drug ecstasy. If their studies are correct, then you could say that anorexic girls are simply drug addicts, getting their fix from hunger. What difference does it make what a person gets pleasure from?

Genes affecting generosity may be found

Scientists are just beginning to find genes that may underlie generosity. Their DNA tests showed that people with a particular variation of a gene called AVPR1a gave away their money 50% more of the time. This study was published in the magazine, Genes, Brain and Behavior. “The experiment provided the first evidence, to my knowledge, for a relationship between DNA variability and real human altruism,” said Dr. Ariel Knafo, a psychologist who was part of the research team.

The genes responsible for altruism have evolutionary significance. Since good deeds can be considered as having mutual benefit, and since today’s social relations are becoming increasingly complex, concepts such as altruism and the ability to cooperate are becoming more important than ever before.

My Current Mood: cheerful

Egoism and Its Manifestations

Egoism and Its ManifestationsScientists Prescribe: A Pill for Greed
Greed – is not a defect, but an attribute of the body. A hormone called oxytocin is responsible for expressions of generosity – discovered American biochemists.

In order to prove this hypothesis, the scientists carried out an experiment: the first group of volunteers were given oxytocin, the second – a placebo. Then, all the participants were offered to help a stranger in need. Those who took the pill gave the stranger 80% more money than the others.

So, altruism shifted from a moral category to a hormonal one. And as it seems, the pill for greed will soon be available in pharmacies.

What’s your opinion?
Is it possible to find a remedy for our egoism, for all of its collective manifestations – envy, vanity, pride, grandeur, power and so on – for all of them together? Suppress them – and what would come out of it, what kind of a person would you be? Would you want this kind of transformation for yourself?

My Current Mood: Cheerful cheerful