Three Discernments of Bestowal

567.04We should know what vessels of bestowal mean.

There are three discernments that we find in an act of bestowal:

1) He engages in bestowal upon others…in order to be rewarded for it. But if he weren’t confident that he would receive honor in return for it, he wouldn’t do what he does for others.

2) He engages in bestowal upon others and does not wish to be given any reward for his work, meaning another thing, something else. Rather, he settles for performing acts of bestowal. It is in his nature to enjoy doing good to others and this is his whole pleasure.

3) He is working in order to not receive any reward (Rabash, “Concerning Bestowal“).

Question: Is a person capable of the third form of bestowal where they do not receive anything at all for it? How is that possible?

Answer: We need to understand that this is indeed a form of receiving pleasure. This is what bestowal is. I respect the person for whom I perform selfless actions so much, I love and value him so much, and he is so great in my eyes that I am ready to do everything for him without any compensation.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

Related Material:
Compensation in the Form of Pleasure
How to Enjoy Life?
True Or Egoistic Bestowal

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