Is It Possible to Work Directly with the Creator?

213Question: Is it possible to work directly with the Creator, for His sake, without regard for others?

Answer: No, first, a person must learn to work correctly with the environment, with others, not with just one, but with many, and only then can they achieve similarity to the Creator by receiving or bestowing only for the sake of others.

Question: What does the patent itself consist of? Suppose I wake up in the morning and start figuring out what I need to bestow to others. Do I walk around with these thoughts and just consider what to bestow to them?

Answer: No, you are simply thinking about what actions of yours can bring contentment to the Creator, how you can please Him, and what He would like to feel from you. If these actions are clear to you, then start gradually approaching them.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

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