Live like a Shadow Running on Water

198Happy is he who, amid torments,
Amid anxieties and life’s noisy passions,
Like a rose that blooms thoughtlessly,
And lighter than a shadow running on water (Anna Akhmatova). 

Question: Do you agree that we walk amid torments and anxieties? Is life like that?

Answer: Probably. Yes.

Comment: Second, she says that happy is he who like a rose blooms thoughtlessly.

My Response: In general, yes. Just as the laws of nature push it to develop, so it grows.

Question: Just as a rose grows according to nature, should a person also grow?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Similar to what should we grow?

Answer: Similar to nature. This means that by studying nature, we should discover capabilities within ourselves to mimic it.

Question: But everything in nature is built on instincts, and we are rational beings.

Answer: And we should do this rationally. It is very, very difficult. But that is exactly what we should do.

Question: So, we see how nature submits to universal harmony, and we with our reason should submit to it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What do I need to do with my mind that tells me that I have my “self,” my opinions, and so on?

Answer: Nullify all of that as much as possible.

Question: And is this the path to happiness if I can nullify it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Anna Akhmatova says that one should live lightly. She writes: “To live like a shadow running on water.” That is, you do not turn the water back; you are like a shadow running on water. In your opinion, is it by nature?

Answer: A person should resemble a shadow running on water, but at the same time, they must understand that it requires working on oneself.

Question: And again, we come back to the same thing—to annulment?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What is this rule that is so difficult for us to fulfill?

Answer: Egoism must be annulled!

Comment: It is so hard! So hard to take this step!

My Response: The main thing is not to forget.

Question: Then what is the purpose of my “self”?

Answer: Precisely to annul it.

Question: I am talented in something, I am successful, I know that my opinion is correct. What should I do about it?

Answer: You need to dig all of that out. Like using a knife to dig out the rotten part from an apple and discard it.

Question: Is my protruding “self” the rotten part?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What will remain then?

Answer: Something good, fit for life.

Question: What about my opinion? What should I do with it?

Answer: If it remains after such a transformation, then you will live with it.

Question: What is my “self” given to me for? It turns out it is given to me precisely so that I can…

Answer: So that you can annul it and instead find in the surrounding world, in nature, such forces that together would enable you to create yourself similar to nature, similar to the Creator. That is the main thing.

Question: In which case can a person consider their life happy?

Answer: I think a person can consider himself happy if he takes a step forward toward the universal, unified nature, and integrates into it as an integral whole.

Question: How do you personally evaluate your life? As happy?

Answer: I evaluate my life, overall, as happy. I have searched a lot and spent a lot of time testing myself—what and how. I have not reached the highest category of my searches. But I am happy that I still found out where the truth is and how to approach it. We will continue with the rest.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/18/24

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