Build the Right Connection

947Question: From the egoistic point of view, it seems wrong that building a connection with the Creator and afterward with our friends is easier than the other way around. How do you really build connection?

Answer: Building connection correctly means constantly inspiring your friends to reach a higher state together with them.

Question: So the connection is built with the Creator first?

Answer: There is no need to build anything with the Creator. With the Creator, everything will work out for you anyway. The main thing is to connect with the friends.

Question: The primary sources state that one needs to ask for the Creator’s help. If I ask for help from my friends, does it replace appealing to the Creator?

Answer: Those are not the same thing, but one does not interfere with the other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Pomegranate”

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