Escape from the Flood

275From The Zohar, Noah, There was a flood, and the saboteur was sitting in the midst of it (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 104, “And the Saboteur Was Sitting”).

Question: Corporeal suffering is a flood. Can a saboteur exist without a flood? And what is the difference between a saboteur in the flood and without it?

Answer: A flood is a state in which a person feels that he is being flooded from all sides, pulled down, and simply suffocating and dying.

And the saboteur distracts us from the Creator with the help of various painful sensations. His function is to frighten us, to show us that there are worse states, and He can plunge us into them.

Therefore, we must know how to position ourselves against it so that its impact on us is not so strong, serious, or threatening.

Question: What thoughts will save us during the flood when we feel that we are suffocating and nothing will save us anymore?

Answer: You must stick together and try to rise out of the water together, pulling each other out. To protect each other from the saboteur, it is necessary to unite even more closely and turn to the Creator that He can help you in this. This is the most important.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And the Saboteur Was Sitting”

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