When Will the War in Israel End?

963.2Question: This question is difficult to answer. When do you think the war will end?

Answer: When we realize that there is no other way out. Only if we love, support, open our hearts to each other, provide whatever help is needed, and are ready for this to be the base law of human life, then it will happen.

Question: What does it depend on?

Answer: Again, it depends only on us. Only we can shorten all these times and bring nations closer together, just us.

Question: And how do we drive this importance into the heart and into the mind, that this is what we must come to? Besides the fact that we are formatted from above.

Answer: Yes, we are being squeezed from all sides, but we only need to develop this and explain to the world that the right state of humanity is “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/12/24

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