Taste in the Torah

509Question: What does it mean to enjoy the taste in the Torah?

Answer: This means that a person can be filled with the Torah and thus expand their Kelim, their inner feelings.

You should really try to define all your actions through taste. That is what it says: “Taste and see how good the Lord is.”

You should feel any of your actions as if by their taste, for your own sake or for the sake of the Creator, tasty or tasteless, how much, and so on.

Question: The Torah is called the state of perfection. What is the state of perfection and how can it be achieved in the ten, in the connections between us?

Answer: It is precisely in the connections between you that the state of perfection can be achieved.

When you unite more and more, then in connection with each other, you create a place where you can discover everything that the Creator wants to give you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/5/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two Discernments in the Torah and in the Work”

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