See Yourself in the True Light

533.02One must always delve in the work of Malchut, called “writing,” considered “ink” and Shacharit [blackness] ( Baal HaSulam, Shamati 122 “Understanding What Is Written in Shulchan Aruch”).

Question: Why is the work of Malchut called the property of ink and blackness? Where do we record this?

Answer: Malchut is the desires of a person, which are initially all egoistic and therefore called blackness.

Recording is what we write with black ink on a white background. In other words, everything that appears to us is drawn to us by our desires (black ink) on the background of white light (Bina).

Question: The article says that sometimes the Sitra Achra helps a person by drawing everything in black light to show his true situation. Can it be said that hardships or some kind of sorrows also help us see ourselves in the true light?

Answer: Of course, they help. A person feels the difference between what is in the heart and what is in the mind and sees that the mouth and the heart are not equal. When one realizes that what one says differs from what one feels, then a person sees what needs to be corrected.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Understanding What Is Written in Shulchan Aruch

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