Judge for Yourself

504Question: You said that the true judgment is the middle line. At our degree of development, is it possible to come to the middle line to become a true judge of oneself? Was the article “What Does It Mean that a Judge Must Judge Absolutely Truthfully, in the Work?” written for Kabbalists or people like us?

Answer: Of course it is written for special people, Kabbalists, who correctly combine the right and left lines, and thus come to the middle line.

Question: At our degree of development, will we have the opportunity to work in the middle line?

Answer: Yes, this is our goal.

Question: How can you come to the middle line and judge yourself in the true form?

Answer: If we include all the forces of nature and accept them as coming from the Creator, then we eventually come to this.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/3/24, Writings of Rabash Rabash “What Does It Mean that a Judge Must Judge Absolutely Truthfully, in the Work?”

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