From the Needs of the Heart

627.1Question: I invest 25% of my efforts out of my potential into physical life. There is no desire. Yet, I am ready to be involved in spiritual work 100%.

But the material life distracts me and prevents me from investing all my efforts into spiritual life. How can I act in material and spiritual life to collaborate with the Creator and perform all actions for His sake?

Answer: The fact is we were born and exist in a certain world, in a certain environment, and therefore must act based on it. It is necessary to have a family and children and also try to move forward and get closer to the friends and the Creator.

Don’t worry about investing more here, less there, etc. Life takes its course, and the Creator always takes what a person can give and take. The main thing is to be in inner balance in material and spiritual life.

In material life only do what is required of you. But in spiritual life, everything comes from the heart’s needs, from what the Creator requires of you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Action Affects the Thought“

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