Two Qualities In One Person

549.01Question: What is the difference between an absolute righteous and an absolute wicked?

Answer: As a rule, both states are in the same person. A person reveals oneself in this way relative to the Creator, either as an absolute righteous or an absolute wicked, because these states cannot be manifested simultaneously.

Question: Should I treat my friends in the ten as absolutely righteous, and if so, how will this help to reveal to them that they are wicked?

Answer: It does not matter who they think they are or who you think they are. In any case, you should think that they are absolutely righteous, and then you will be able to come closer to them and through them to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “He Will Save Them from the Hand of the Wicked“

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