Master the Machine of Material Thoughts

599.02Question: Rabash writes that the machine of the material world crashes into a person’s spiritual desire and you need to protect yourself from this collision. Then a person will be sure that he will not lose what he was given, i.e., the elevation that he received.

How can you protect yourself from this accident every time?

Answer: It is only through the fact that you have the same desire as your friends. It will keep you safe. Therefore you need to get closer to each other and put the connection between you above everything else.

Comment: But the machine of material thoughts and desires still crashes into you.

My Response: What does “crashes” mean? The fact is that you have to somehow master it, connect with your friends, and control this machine together. It is like being on a ship during a storm when two or three people hold the helm and thus steer the ship to the right course against the waves.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Reason for which Israel Were Rewarded with Inheritance of the Land, in the Work?”

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The Balance between the Material and the Spiritual
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