Questions about Spiritual Work—48

282.02Question: To what extent can a person thank and bless the Creator?

Answer: Until complete, perfect adhesion.

Question: Should we come to the feeling of one single Hissaron (Desire)?

Answer: Everyone should have a Hissaron regarding the Creator. But it may become united and closer to final correction.

Question: You said there are simply descents and descents with an illumination from above. What is the connection between a person’s sensitivity in spiritual work and the illumination from above during the descent?

Answer: One determines the other.

Question: How can we, the ten, correct the place for receiving the upper blessing?

Answer: This place becomes corrected through the mutual connection of all the friends in the ten.

Question: It is hard to live in this world. Why should we, Kabbalists, give birth to children because they will not be happy? If we stop breeding, will the Creator’s game with us end?

Answer: No, according to Kabbalah, we must give birth, raise children, and teach them the correct fulfillment of the Creator’s will.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/16/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Prohibition to Bless on an Empty Table, in the Work?”

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