The Commandment of Circumcision

232.09And since he has one Mitzva, which he always keeps, the Mitzva of circumcision, a Mitzva that the body cannot resist, if he can be happy with one thing, even that he is keeping the Creator’s commandment, if he is thinking about keeping this Mitzva, of which the body has no opinion, by that he can reawaken his work and toil diligently once again, as he did prior to the descent. (RABASH. Article 17. (1985). “Know Today and Reply to Your Heart”)

Question: You said that circumcision is the ability to rise above your desire to receive. The article says that with this power a person himself can reawaken his state of action and work again with full energy as he did before the descent.

How do we acquire this power to rise, the circumcision, to work every time as before the descent?

Answer: When a person rises above his desire, as if breaking away from it, it is called that he circumcises himself. This is when he gets the force of bestowal he did not have before.

Question: How can you acquire this force, how can you rise above yourself?

Answer: By circumcising yourself, that is, by cutting off everything relating to the egoistic desire to receive.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/15/23, Writings of Rabash “Know Today and Reply to Your Heart“

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