Intention Does Not Replace Action

947Question: As a rule, we do not interfere in the inner work of a friend. If, for example, he stops attending lessons or outwardly shows less activity, we support him. And if he is doing well, we do not touch him. Is this the right approach?

Answer: Why not? If he is on the spiritual path, why bother him? We should just show that we are going together. But if someone turns aside a little bit, we need to try to get him back on the right path.

Question: Let’s assume that a friend did not come to the lesson although he should have come. What should I say to him if he says: “But I work in intention, I pray for you”?

Answer: No, it cannot be. Intention does not replace action because all our actions take place in the ten, in the group. Therefore, we must fulfill all the physical conditions of our connection.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/18/23, Writings of Rabash “Hear Our Voice“

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Good Intentions of the Light
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