Questions about Spiritual Work—47

165Question: Where is the low place where the Creator is hiding?

Answer: The Creator hides between friends where there is some kind of mismatch between them.

Question: When I have already prayed for my friends, for the Creator, and for Him to advance us, what else can I pray for?

Answer: You can pray for you to get closer to your friends and through them to the Creator.

Question: What is annulment in desires, intentions, and actions?

Answer: Annulment means that I don’t want anything for myself, but I really want to get closer to the Creator and fill everyone with love.

Question: What is more important in the search for connection with the Creator and His greatness: paying attention to what is revealed through the inner circle in the group, or to internal states, thoughts and feelings?

Answer: Whatever is revealed in the connection between friends.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/15/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “In the Place Where You Find His Greatness“

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