Questions about Spiritual Work—34

281.02Question: In meetings and lessons our ego is noticeably corrected. How can one work alone at home correctly so that it is felt?

Answer: While at home you should read texts or listen to lessons. Then your time will not be wasted, and you will constantly go through the right states.

Question: What does the depth of the heart mean, and why does a person not descend into it?

Answer: The depth of the heart is unknown to us. We comprehend it on the way to the purpose of creation when the whole heart is gradually revealed to us. But, in general, we should try to feel the Creator and friends with all our hearts as close as possible.

Question: How can one come to a feeling of awareness of the greatness of the Creator so that even a breath of air can be inhaled through gratitude?

Answer: It depends on your systematic efforts on an ongoing basis. But the point is that you have to join the group, and the group must join you; otherwise, it will not be permanent.

Question: If our evil is revealed to us, then at each stage will it manifest itself in portions, a little more and more? Or will it be revealed at one time, and until the end of the correction we need to work with what has been revealed?

Answer: No, evil is revealed only to the extent that a person can work with it. Therefore, at each stage it will open up more and more. So, do not be alarmed, but the full revelation of evil is yet to come.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “He Will Save Them from the Hand of the Wicked“

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