Questions about Spiritual Work—31

249.01Question: Under the open governance of the Creator does a person always feel only mercy and goodness?

Answer: Yes, of course. How could it be otherwise? He feels the Creator, that is, only positive effects on himself.

Question: Why do we say in some cases that if there is a plea, the answer is ready immediately, and in other cases we wait for years, months, or days for answers?

Answer: It does not depend on us. We should just increase our plea. If this is a true request, we should focus on it and direct it to the Creator all the time.

Question: There is a great need for the Creator in our ten. We feel that we really miss Him. What else do we need to bring contentment to the Creator?

Answer: We lack a real sense of the need for the Creator to become one and, in this unity, to feel that the Creator is in us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/14/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two States“

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