A Rope to Save the Drowning World

936So is the Torah: being entirely the thoughts of the Creator, it is like a rope that the Creator throws to people to save them and pull them out of the Klipot [shells] (Baal HaSulam, A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar).

It is like a person drowning in the river. In order to be able to use this help of the Creator, we need to unite and grab this rope together. It is impossible to do this alone.

To cling to the end of the rope means to achieve at least a minimal equivalence of form with the Creator. The Torah reflects the thoughts of the Creator, and the Creator thinks about giving, bestowal, and connecting all together. In this we can become like the Creator.

Grabbing the rope means to be together all the time in one thought as we try to feel each other, and from our connection to hold on to the Creator so that from our mutual bestowal we come to bestowal to the Creator.

If we are capable of a good connection with each other, this is enough to catch on to the end of the rope that binds us to the Creator. Here everything depends on us, on how much we grab the lower end of the rope closest to us and want to hold the rope together so as not to miss it.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar”

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