With Words We Pollute the World

564Question: What does the eruption of all our verbal information mean for the world?

Answer: We pollute the entire world.

Question: Why did the upper one need us to talk all the time so that we have TV and everything would be talking all the time? What is it for?

Answer: Have you heard kids screaming and running around at a playground? That is the same kind.

Question: But we use words differently, we humiliate, lower. If we are talking about TV, this is our way. We give such power to speech. What does it produce in the world?

Answer: It produces new corruptions over and over in the world. We cannot escape it unless, we begin to transform ourselves.

Comment: It happens that one can kill with a word, but it is unlikely with silence.

My Response: You can never make it worse with silence. It is better be silent.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/21/23

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