The Screen and Coupling with Striking

608.02Question: What is the screen (Masach)?

Answer: The screen is what creates the Partzuf that wants to reflect all the light of pleasure that comes to it from the Creator in order to become like Him and receive only for His pleasure.

In other words, the screen is an anti–egoistic property, a force, that does not let you receive for yourself.

Comment: There is also such a thing as coupling with striking.

My Response: Coupling with striking is a state when both the Creator and the creation (Partzuf) do not want to receive for themselves, but are ready to connect in order to please each other. That is, I am for you and you are for me, not for the sake of enjoying yourself, but to please another.

Baal HaSulam gives an example of this in the interaction of a guest and a host.

That is, the screen is a force of resistance. On one hand pleasure is forcing him, and on the other hand, he has the power of resistance. This is called coupling with striking.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 9/26/23

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How Does The Spiritual Masach (Screen) Work?
The Screen Is Maximum Equivalence To The Giver
The Screen Is Your Contribution To The Spiritual Reality

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