The Drawn Sword for the Future

293And besides the blows we suffer today, we must also consider the drawn sword for the future. The right conclusion must be drawn—that nature will ultimately defeat us and we will all be compelled to join hands in following its Mitzvot with all the measure required of us (Baal HaSulam, The Peace).

Question: How do we teach ourselves and other people to be afraid of the “drawn sword”? After all, a person is not afraid of anything, not the criminal code, the commandments, or the Creator. People do what they want.

Answer: Yes, we are approaching a state of humanity where people are not afraid of anything at all, and they do not want to take anything into account. There are no restrictions and decrees for them. And if there is, then come what may, the main thing is that I feel good now, and then what will happen will happen.

In principle, this is very close to the governance of the Creator. But a person perceives it incorrectly.

Question: We have established the fact that people are not afraid of anything, and then it will be even worse. So, what to do?

Answer: Consciously follow the instructions of the Creator. Is it really not clear?

Question: I, who have been studying Kabbalah for 20 years, understand this. But how can we explain it to people?

Answer: This is a problem. I have been doing this for 40 years and, you might say, with the same results. But later we will find out from the Creator how He evaluates our work, efforts, and our life in general.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/30/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Peace”

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