For Global Ascent

528.01Question: How does the knowledge gained from our study affect the measure of faith?

Answer: To the extent that you practice following the recommendations of Kabbalists, you begin to perceive your egoistic qualities and realize that they constantly push you to be critical of the world, the Creator, and your friends, and to fully justify yourself. That is the result of ordinary study.

On the other hand, when a person sees how ugly he is in his egoism, he begins to be critical of himself and asks the Creator to correct him. The path of correction starts from here.

Question: How does faith above reason differ from faith in reward in this case?

Answer: The faith in reward is an egoistic belief when I strive to be rewarded for the efforts I put in. And faith above reason is the desire to rise above egoism and unite with the Creator precisely in mutual bestowal.

Question: How can we strengthen the measure of faith and not fall into despair from the realization of our remoteness from the Creator?

Answer: If you unite with your friends and work together for the success of your collective ascent, for the connection between you and the Creator, then you will succeed. The Creator shows us what small and powerless egoists we are precisely so that we choose the right path.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/6/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Torah Is Called Indication“

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