Dangerous Ascent

41.01(Rashbi) …he permitted only Rabbi Aba to write, for he could disclose with intimation, so only the sages of the children of Israel would understand, and the sages of the nations would not understand, for fear that the wicked would know how to serve their masters (Baal HaSulam “The Shofar of the Messiah,“ “Writing The Zohar and Concealing It”).

Question: What is the danger that sinners will learn how to serve their master?

Answer: The danger is that sinners will somehow be able to serve the Creator and receive from Him without correcting themselves all kinds of correct answers that will lift them on the ladder, although they do not deserve it. They would be creating conditions for themselves to climb the ladder of the spiritual worlds without changing internally.

Comment: This is a bit like the work of Lo Lishma (for myself). But this is a necessary step to come to Lishma (for the sake of others).

My Response: No, this degree is not necessary. You cannot approach and do what you wish without correcting your tools with which you will work with light and Reshimot (spiritual information data) because you are uncorrected. All sorts of wrong thoughts, desires, goals, and actions will arise in you.

Question: It seems that we have the opportunity to receive without correcting ourselves, right?

Answer: Yes, it is emphasized, on one hand, that there is such an opportunity to be inside the system. But, on the other hand, it cannot be used in any way because it is given precisely so that it can be declined.

That is part of the correction when we are offered such a path, but we do not accept it.
From the 3rd party of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/12/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Shofar of the Messiah“

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