Problems on the Path

528.01Question: When a friend sees a flaw in me and even starts talking to me about it, I understand that I am low in his eyes and he puts himself above me. I see this as a bad example on his part and a violation of the love of friends. How can I untangle it? How can we find a connection with the Creator here and relate everything to Him?

Answer: There is no need to untangle anything. You just need to move from your understanding of what Kabbalists write. Everything is going well. I do not see any problems. We just need more time and more desire to be connected with the Creator.

He sets up all this for us. We still have a lot of problems on the path, up to huge hatred between us.

There is no getting away from it. We will hate each other; we will be ready to kill each other. So it was written by the Kabbalists. This is how we will move forward. But the main thing is to still hold on to each other, despite the fact that there are such relationships.

We must understand that on one hand, the Creator reveals a special relationship between us: hatred, opposition, distancing. And on the other hand, no matter what, we must be in love with each other, although we are ready to kill each other.

This is how it is written about the ancient Kabbalistic disciples that when gathering together hated each other so much they were ready to kill each other. When they slowly began to enter their studies and attract the upper light on themselves, all this ended with the fact that they hugged and united in their hearts.

Therefore, in no case should we rely on what we feel today.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/28/23, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Importance of Friends”

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