Pleas to the Creator Expand Feelings

624.02Question: The confidence in the Creator is not that He will do something, but that He is doing the best for us. Why do we need the prayer since confidence in the Creator is the prayer?

Answer: It is necessary to ask the Creator because it expands your feelings, and you must take care of it. The Creator deliberately sets such conditions for you from which you are not able to get out of by yourself, you must ask Him.

Question: How can I practically use the desire of a friend to come to the strength of desire that is sufficient to be merged with the Creator?

Answer: You must unite with your friends in a common striving, turn to the Creator, and ask Him to lift you up to Him.

Question: How can we plead with friends? After all, when we scrutinize our prayer, everyone has their own opinion.

Answer: These opinions should merge and support each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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