Is There a Conspiracy Against Us from Above?

167Comment: Technical progress, especially artificial intelligence, is designed to free people from routine work. But some scientists say that man has begun to degrade intellectually. They say: “The brain, between “working and not working,” chooses “not working.”

The new generation has stopped thinking and analyzing. All information is on the phone. Your viewers claim that such a person is easier to manage. It all seems like a conspiracy to make us not think.

My Response: I think that this is a person’s natural attraction to non-action, to such a half-asleep state.

Then the person turns off his mental and other types of various abilities and lives with his eyes half open. And this is natural.

Question: So today we have come to such a naturalness. We used to struggle somewhat, but today we come to this?

Answer: We have become “wiser.”

Question: Please, tell me, if some brain function stops like this, then what function should open?

Answer: We will “sleep with our eyes open.”

Question: How is this different from drugs? Take it and sleep with your eyes open.

Answer: This is what we subconsciously strive for.

Question: Is this good in your opinion?

Answer: No. This is neither good nor bad, but it is where it is all going.

Question: So, what then? What future does such humanity have with its eyes half open and half asleep?

Answer: The fact is that we do not control our states.

Question: So there is still some kind of conspiracy from above?

Answer: Definitely!

Comment: We have an answer to the first question: there is a conspiracy.

My Response: It is not a conspiracy, but a program for our development to lead us through this state.

We must go through this state, maybe in this half-asleep and half-fainting state in order to agree with the upper management and not be too stubborn. And it will lull us all the time because it should lead us to new heights, to new heights of knowledge, and agreement with the higher force. And then we will be convinced that we are going the right way.

Question: So our goal is to come to an agreement with the higher force? And that is why it plays such a trick on us along the way? With us like that—somewhat half-asleep and calm—is it easier to reach this goal?

Answer: Of course.

Question: But the goal is to come to an agreement with a higher power?

Answer: Yes. We must accept its unconditional power over us.

Question: That is, that it exists and it owns us, and that is all. And it is like I am not there?

Answer: If I think about it correctly, then I am not. And this is the right way out.

Question: And do you think it is a good achievement that it exists and I do not?

Answer: Of course.

Question: What is next? What steps do I take? Here, You exist, but I do not exist; what are the conclusions from this?

Answer: You exist, You do it.

Question: I tell him: “You do it”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, everything I do is done by You, and I agree with this? And is this good?

Answer: It is wonderful when a little egoist, a little man who is in the lowest of the worlds, cancels himself and does not want to interfere and ruin this world.

Question: Revolutions, coups, wars, and so on?

Answer: Yes, this is the best.

Question: That is, such a peaceful state of humanity that has cancelled itself before the highest is the best state?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can you tell where He is leading us, the Supreme One? We have been canceled, where does He lead us?

Answer: He leads us to surrender to the upper force and not want to do anything ourselves. Only according to its advice.

Question: What is its biggest piece of advice?

Answer: We should feel like we belong to it unconditionally.

Question: So you are now all about this?

Answer: Of course. What else is there?

Question: That is, we correspond to it. Can we say that this corresponds to it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then the last question: what is it like, so that we can match it?

Answer: Absolutely kind! And that is how we should become.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/31/23

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