In a Single Network

264.01Question: People cry in joy. People cry in grief. What is crying?

Answer: Crying is a small state when my desires, what are called Kelim (vessels), cannot accommodate the impression I get. It causes an eruption of excessive stress that I cannot handle inside in the form of tears.

Question: To understand what it is, one has to know Kabbalah. Do you hope people will reach a stage where they will listen to your explanations and clearly understand what it is about?

Answer: Of course! Undoubtedly! We will communicate with each other not verbally, but on an internal level, and we will fully feel each other, integrate into each other with our hearts, minds, feelings, and thoughts—absolutely everything!

It seems to us that our bodies limit us. In fact, we are tied up in one common web, in one common network, but we cannot reveal it in any way.

Now it is revealed to us as a crisis. “Crisis” in Greek means the birth of something new, not anything negative. This is the next degree of connection between us.

But we are not ready to be at this level of connection yet, so we do not know what to do. We want to stay on the prior egoistic level, the way it used to be. Nevertheless, we need to reach the next level of our unity, where we are connected not by words, but hearts and minds.

Then our bodies, our world will gradually disappear from our senses. Their importance will disappear, they will simply fade away, and we will remain plugged only into this single network between us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Transmitting Information Through the Senses” 10/31/11

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Spiritual Shock
The Difference Between Spiritual and Egoistic Tears
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