How Can We Bring All Desires into One?

282.01Question: There are differences in our level of desire to attain the Creator. There are guys who want to advance quickly and devote their whole lives to the path, while others have less strong desire. How can we combine these desires into one?

Answer: This all happens only on the basis of unity.

What is interesting about unity? There are hundreds and thousands of people with different languages and mentalities, but when they unite, new qualities are obtained, and none of them remain what they were before.

Just as, for example, there is a big difference between raising a child among people who will influence him or leaving him in the forest to grow up alone. It is clear that nothing will come out of him.

It is the same here. We must constantly influence each other and set an example. If at a given moment I give an example to my friends, then in the next moment they influence me. This is where our progress lies.

To the extent that we think about others, to that extent and with this force the Creator thinks about us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/29/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

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