Sources—A Lifeline

209Question: At some point in your life you studied Kabbalah alone. How did you determine that you did not fall into some wrong current?

Answer: After the death of Rabash, I locked myself at home, did not listen to anyone, did not see anyone, tried not to feel anything, and only worked on books.

I wrote my first 10 to 12 books. After that, I practically did not write myself but only spoke. These texts were processed by my students, they were published under my name, but these are books spoken aloud by me and not written by hand.

I was only inside the sources! Except for Baal HaSulam and Rabash, no one existed for me. So the years went by, years and years.

At the same time, I was not under anyone’s influence, not even under my own; I was only under the influence of what the books of Baal HaSulam and Rabash told me. I studied them, copied archives, processed manuscripts, and I was at it from morning till night. I held on to it like a lifeline. Not a step to the side!

After all, Rabash mentored me all the previous years. And despite the fact that he died, he is always with me. I try to be in contact with him and follow the calling that I feel from him. That is how it works. You can imagine whatever you want, but this is what it is.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Anti-Kabbalah” 8/20/11

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