Kabbalah Is a Patent for Endless Pleasure

276.02Question: On the corporeal level, the Creator gives us all kinds of pleasures from money, power, honor, and knowledge. What pleasures does He give us in spirituality?

Answer: Spiritual pleasures are absolute. They practically do not end and are not limited by anything. To the extent that you have a desire, you can absorb these pleasures and feel that you are being fulfilled.

If in our world the light enters the desire, gradually extinguishes it, and the desire disappears; in the spiritual world it depends only on the extent that your desires coincide with your capabilities. As much as you can be similar to the light, you will be able to receive it.

Question: In principle, is the wisdom of Kabbalah a kind of patent for ideal endless pleasure? Is the patent actually receiving pleasure for the sake of the Creator?

Answer: Yes, otherwise you will not be able to be fulfilled, because if the pleasure is for your own sake, then the light will immediately disappear.

This is the entire meaning of the wisdom of Kabbalah—to come to a feeling of infinite pleasure.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/30/23

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