For the Glory of the Kingdom of the Creator

239It is as we say (In the Eighteen in the Supplementary Prayer of Rosh Hashanah), “Our Father, our King, reveal the glory of Your kingdom upon us,” namely that the kingdom of heaven will not be to us as dust, but rather glorified.

It follows that what this kind of people demands of the Creator is that He will reveal to them the glory of His kingship, and have nothing with the Creator since they do not require any reward from the Creator. Rather, all they want is to serve the King and please Him. They ask that the Creator will show them the glory of the kingdom of heaven (Rabash, Article No. 34 (1985), “And I Pleaded with the Lord”).

Question: If people want only to serve the Creator, why do they demand that He reveal the glory of His kingdom to them?

Answer: It is exactly so that they could serve Him. If the Creator is concealed, we will not be able either come closer to Him or serve Him in any way. He will look small or non-existant in our eyes.

Therefore, we need Him to reveal Himself at least a little. To this extent, we will be able to serve Him.
This is why we say, “Reveal the glory of Your kingdom upon us so that we can honor You and serve You.”

Question: How can He reveal His glory?

Answer: It is His business how to do it. We ask because we cannot do it without it. If He does not reveal Himself, we will not have the strength either to bestow to Him or to receive from Him.

Receiving from Him is even more difficult than bestowing because when I receive, I use my egoistic desires. I have to correct them and use them only for bestowal. Then my reception will be for the sake of bestowal, and this is very hard work. We are always tempted to fall into receiving for ourselves.

Question: If we do not want to receive from the Creator and make the restriction on reception, then what are we holding on to? What is the criterion of the connection with Him?

Answer: We hold on to the fact that we want to give Him contentment. At the same time, we enjoy His greatness and not the actual fulfillment from Him.

Question: What is the difference?

Answer: Our egoistic desires to receive seek to enjoy the fulfillment. But to enjoy His greatness is when we feel His greatness in all the worlds, in the whole world, and enjoy it; that is, we enjoy the fact that we belong to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 7/31/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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