Adjust Your Focus!

263Comment: In principle, you always talk about one formula that can correct humanity.

My Response: What if there is nothing else besides it?! What if there is nothing more than ten Sefirot? I am only talking about how to connect them correctly, discover the entire universe inside you, and finally understand that everything you see happening outside is an illusion.

I am talking about a single world inside of you, so you can see it by reversing your focus. When you change focus, you suddenly begin to understand that you saw just an internal reflection in front of you, nothing else. Suddenly your eyes open and you see a completely different world.

This is what we must come to! To a world in which there is no life and death, no physical movement. These are all our inner sensations that create such an illusory volume in us.

I want to gradually bring you to this understanding so as not to confuse you. After all, you can say: “So he is a mystic, not of this world; he is spinning in some of his dimensions.”

Therefore, I do not talk about many things. I am explaining at the same pace nature does, and today it obliges us to move forward. I am helping you understand the evolution that you are obliged to make today, either in a good way or in a bad way if you do not obey.

Question: If I am not close in my feelings to the topic you are talking about, what then?

Answer: Then “Daddy” will give you a good smack with his belt. You will feel a little pain, and you will start to listen to what Mr. Laitman told you. You will suddenly remember what Kabbalah says: “Maybe I can somehow soften these blows, or at least receive fewer of them.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You’re Repeating the Same Thing!” 8/13/11

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